
Profit First

Business Advisory practice in Victoria.

Having been in business for over 10 years this business owner has well and truly been through the peaks and troughs of business in every aspect.

Including growing and engaging staff, moving business locations multiple times, declining sales and increasing wages, some not so great client relationships which had led to substantial bad debt.

This business owner was struggling to find any enjoyment in business anymore and also struggling to pay themselves a decent weekly wage for the massive amount of time and energy they were putting into the business. The credit card debt and ATO payment plan felt overwhelming and they were desperate to find a better solution.

It all just felt too much and the option of ceasing the business altogether and going back into employment and enjoying the perks of having annual leave and higher income was looking very attractive.

Having completed the Profit First Assessment it was clear improvements could be actioned quickly.

6 months after implementing Profit First, the business owner has:

The feedback was “I wish I had known about Profit First before starting my business. I can see that it would have saved me from many poor “under pressure” decisions that I made due to uncertainty around my finances and lack of cash flow.

That being said I have truly learnt from all that I have been through in my business journey and I will never be in that situation again. I am truly creating a life and business that I love and creating my own financial freedom.”

Retail Store

Savvy was referred to the Client from a previous work colleague

Savvy started with:

Actions: Client is in her 20’s, constantly learning and very ambitious

Mixed Business

Savvy was approached by an accountant to take over from a previous bookkeeper of many years to manage all of the bookkeeping and payroll citing many discrepancies and lack of history in records.

Savvy started with:

Actions: We undertook the new work progression gradually as the Client are in their 60’s and are working amazing hours, 7 days a week.